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'Mother Nature woke me up': Metro Vancouverites share videos of electrifying thunderstorm

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The Metro Vancouver weather forecast includes the possibility of more wet weather following thunderstorms in the region on Aug. 29, 2023.

Booming thunder and flashes of lightning woke numerous locals up in the wee morning hours of Tuesday, Aug. 29.

Thunderstorms struck parts of Vancouver Island on Monday afternoon, . The convective activity made its way across the water to the mainland overnight, creating stormy conditions in and around Metro Vancouver. 

The stormy weather has improved air quality across the region, with all cities showing a level two or "low" risk; Metro Vancouver has ended its air quality advisory. 

While the air quality has improved, increased wildfire activity in other parts of the province may worsen local air conditions. Smoke concentrations may vary widely across the region as winds, temperatures, and wildfire behaviour change, Environment Canada Meteorologist Armel Castellan told V.I.A. on Monday.

Metro Vancouverites may hear thunder booming for a second time overnight Wednesday and there is another chance for wet weather, too. After the wet and stormy spell, temperatures are expected to climb back up a few degrees above seasonal averages heading into the weekend.

Metro Vancouver weather forecast includes more showers

Downtown Vancouver's weather is significantly cooler Tuesday, with overcast conditions, rain, and a high of 17 C expected in the region with an overnight low of 16, according to V.I.A.'s Downtown Centre Weatherhood station. The forecast shows a potential for more wet weather on Wednesday and Thursday, with a slight chance of showers on Friday. 

Multiple locals took to social media to share images and videos of Mother Nature's electrifying display in the Metro Vancouver region early this morning. 

Marina LeClair tweeted, "Mother Nature woke me up before my alarm clock this morning and the security camera got a couple of the flashes from the lightning," while Ryan Voutilainen quipped, "Are you awake?

Have a look at some moments from the thunderstorm in the Lower Mainland.